

Sandy Hook Elementary Fundraiser

A couple weeks ago my daughter & I were in Utah visiting family for the holiday season & giving Paul some time at the end of the semester to focus on school. December 14th Paul called me to tell me about a shooting in Connecticut. My heart sank as I was glued to the news, as I am sure many of you were, watching the details unfold. Since my daughter was born, I have been even more sensitive to those moms and families who suffer through tragedies that involve their children.

The following morning I received the news that my grandmother had passed away during the night. This was very sudden and shocking to our family since it was so unexpected. Grandma went to college and fulfilled her dream of becoming an elementary teacher and taught for 36 years. My cousin, sister and I used to go in the weeks before school started and help her get the class room set up and ready for the kids.

Now that we are back home in Connecticut I would like to try and do something to help those who were affected by the tragedy in Newtown. I have decided to sale some of my handmade baby items and donate the proceeds in my grandmothers name. Check out the images of these items on my facebook page. The first person to comment with their PayPal e-mail address will be sent an invoice and items will ship within three days of payment.

Please share this post with others so we can help the community of Newtown as much as possible.

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