

Fit Friday ~ Day 7

Wow, how are you all feeling? This first week of work outs has really put me in my place.

Of course day one is always a killer {since my body most definitely isn't used to working out like this}, but I have noticed that I am able to finish my work out a little faster and maybe even a bit more pep at the end. OK...maybe 'finish' is a strong word, but I am getting further along in them every time. My goal is that I don't have to be perfect but I just need to keep at it!!

I have found that this week, putting all the tools together that I have been talking about for the last bit, have really helped {it's a lot to keep up on, but it does really help}. I am keeping track of what and how much I am eating, I am most assuredly drinking more water and I am loosing weight...YEA!!

Read up on my goals and how I'm going to achieve them here!

I am creating the new me and excited to see what this next week will bring.

Get Creating!

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