

Bean Bag Bananza

Lady A went to nursery for the second time this past Sunday but for some reason she was not having it. In the middle of my Sunday School class {I teach the 9-10 year old kids} I could hear a scream from the hall, sure enough, I poke my head out and it was my kid, for everyone to hear.

After I was done teaching my class we both went back to the nursery for the last bit of church. There were a far number of kids and one of the choice tows were bean bags but there were not enough for all the kids. A benefit of sewing is that there are always scraps around so I decided we would make some more bean bags for the kids.

 16 Bags

 With your scraps cut out squares that are 5 1/2" x 5 1/2"

 With wrong sides together, stitch three and a half of the sides. I like to leave my opening in the middle of one side. For me, it makes it easier to stitch closed.

Take a random piece of paper to make a funnel. I found this was better than using a kitchen funnel because I could leave the opening wide enough to let the beans through.

Then I needed to take a photo and needed a third hand...and here came the bright idea, set the bag in a cup!! It works great to hold everything in place while pouring the beans in, lift the cone out and the job is done.
I tried a few different amounts and decided that 2/3 cup was the perfect amount, for me.

 Ya...I made 16 bean bags.

 Now simply pin the bag closed then sew it up and cut the thread.

Some for Lady A, some for the neighbors and the rest for the nursery kids.

Happy bean bag toss!!

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