

Fit Friday ~ Blah!!

This week has not been my best. I'm just feeling a bit blah, maybe it's because of all the cloudy rainy days. 

I had a yoga instructor once, many many years ago, and I loved her class. One thing she always said was that we needed to be sure to listen to our bodies. No matter what schedule we have set up, if our body is telling us something different, don't ignore it. So this week I spent time doing some Spring Cleaning, going through boxes and getting rid of a bunch of stuff {there is something about taking a box of stuff out of the house and know that it won't be coming back....exhale!} and spending some time out doors with my little girl.

Yesterday morning we did have some sun and there wasn't much wind out so Lady A and I went out and played in the back. It was so nice to feel the sun on my back and be able to take her out and not worry about the wind or that it was going to be cold if we stayed out.

Even though I wasn't too good at keeping on top of my workouts this week, I got a lot done and am pretty pleased with my week so far.

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